Part 56: Junpei

[Music: Who is Zero?]

He was sure of it. Right next to the glasses.
But now...
It was gone. The number (9) bracelet was gone.

He was turning it over and over in his mind when he heard Seven's voice.

It had drifted out to him from the living room.
Junpei walked, slowly, out of the hallway.
[Music: Silence]

Seven looked up as Junpei entered the room.

He thought for a moment before he responded.

Something between a sigh and a groan escaped his lips.

His voice was hollow and empty.

As he spoke, he moved around Clover's head...
Then knelt down, and flipped open her right hand.

She was holding a piece of paper.

He wasn't sure what that meant, but it likely didn't matter.
The paper was more important.
He picked it up, and carefully opened it.
There were 2 sentences written on it.
[Music: Digital Root]

Seven peered over Junpei's shoulder at the note.
Junpei stepped away from Clover's body...
...And into the living room. He began to pace, attempting to decode the note.
The first clue was likely the phrase "sinister hand".

It doesn't really matter whether or not you get this one wrong; Junpei knows the answer anyway, so we might as well get it right for him.
It's just a matter of knowing what the terms for left and right handed actually are. Dextral is right-handed, whereas sinistral is left. If you're thinking something along the lines of "no shit," then I'm just going to point out that a surprisingly large number of people don't actually know this.
Anywho, that said sinister is now obviously...

The left hand. The left hand... What did the left hand mean?

He examined the bracelet closely.
There were 2 protrusions on either side of the face. The left and right sides of the face.
Left and right...
Left and right...
Right and left...
Truth is gone...
Truth... Gone...
It sounded funny... What did it mean?

Now, this is actually rather tricky. Only one answer is right and lets us continue; the other three just loop back around to here. Reading them backwards is obviously wrong since "enog dah hturt" means nothing at all. The other three though? Hard to say. Let's just go through in order.

They sounded exactly as he'd expected they would.

It made no more sense than the initial riddle. Less, even.
Clearly, switching the words wasn't going to help.
What else could "gone" and "truth" mean?

In this case, however, they clearly referred to their directional homonyms.
So, that means...
That seemed to make sense.
Junpei looked at the bracelet again...
...At the 2 protrusions on the left and right of the face.

This one is insultingly easy. Again, only one of them is right but this time it's blatantly obvious. It really is a question of "how much attention have you been paying for the past half a minute."

And then...
[Music: Silence]

One after another, 8 numbers flashed on, then off, of the face of Junpei's bracelet. He checked one more time, to be sure...


Junpei didn't answer. He couldn't answer.
He had no idea what they were either.
Besides, he was sure he would forget the numbers, and the order they came in, if he said anything.
Muttering the numbers to himself, over and over, Junpei headed toward the bedroom.

Besides, someone had opened the safe at least once already.
Had Clover come to the bedroom to open it?
Junpei slowly dialed in the numbers the bracelet had given him.

Junpei heard the small, tell-tale sound of a lock opening.
He grabbed the handle, took a deep breath, and pulled it up.

Inside was a piece of paper.
It was roughly the same size as the one Clover had been holding.
Junpei picked it up. This is what it said:
[Music: Eternitybox]

Ace... Lotus...
Santa... Seven...
And June.
He looked at each one of them in turn, then slowly placed his hands in the pockets of his vest.

5 sets of eyes stared at Junpei.
He pretended not to notice.

[Music: Silence]
Then, almost as if on cue, the bell began to ring.

Slowly, one by one, they followed Junpei out of the bedroom.

Junpei stopped in front of door [3] and turned around.

Once they had finished, they stepped away from the door, as Junpei had instructed.
3 asterisks shone from the RED's display panel.
Junpei approached it, and held his bracelet over the scanner.
He made quite sure he didn't place his palm on it, and instead only brought his bracelet near it.

Junpei pulled the lever down.

Door [3] opened, like a hungry mouth.
9 long seconds passed...
And the door shut, unfed.
Junpei walked slowly back to the others, who were waiting some distance from the door, talking to one another.

As Junpei approached, they turned to look at him, curiosity plain on their faces.
Before long, the other 3 did as well.
Clearly, they were all expecting some answers.

Clearly, they'd hoped for something more forthcoming.
He continued.
[Video: Accusations]

This video lasts for the entire rest of the update. I recommend watching it.

[Music: Chill and Rigor]

If he spoke, however, the trap would be exposed.
Junpei quickly continued.

Only then, when it was too late, did Ace realize his mistake.
He set his jaw and glared at Junpei.

"What makes you so sure I'm not Santa?"

"If you were Santa, then door [3] wouldn't have opened for us just now!"

He could hear a sudden buzz of conversation from the others... "Prosopagnosia?" "What's that?"
He heard Lotus begin to explain it to them.
Ace glanced at them, then turned back toward Junpei and sighed.

Ace's face tightened. His eyes narrowed.

Junpei leaned casually against the iron piping of one of the beds.
[Music: Silence]

[Music: Digital Root]
Junpei was suddenly very aware of 5 pairs of eyes on him.
He had their undivided attention now.
The room had grown very, very quiet. Junpei took a deep breath.

Lotus looked away awkwardly.
Junpei glanced at her and continued.

Junpei stared off into the darkness at something very interesting and lazily began to dig a persistant bit of wax out of his ear.

Pleading was not something they'd heard from Ace before.
Junpei pulled the piece of wax from his ear, glanced at it, and flicked it off into the darkness.

Ace's face went pale.
The others looked confused as well. If the body wasn't Snake's...

For the first time since the beginning of Junpei's explanation, someone besides Ace spoke.

[Music: Silence]

He handed Santa a small piece of paper.
Santa squinted at the paper and began to read.

Slowly, Santa looked up from the paper.
His eyes met Junpei's.

Then, suddenly--
[Music: Tinderbox]

Junpei's eyes narrowed, and the trap began to close.
Ace inhaled sharply. His eyes flicked off of Junpei to something--anything--else.

It was as though a switch had been flipped.
The color drained from Ace's face, and as he realized what he'd done, his eyes went wide.

Ace stammered as he tried desperately to work himself to a more tenable position.

Ace's face was tight, and his teeth were clenched.
Junpei fixed him with a level stare. The trap was about to close.

Junpei put his hand into his pocket.

Ace's right hand moved.
Junpei smiled.

1 + 2 + 9 = 12 → 1 + 2 = 3

[Music: Silence]

Ace roared with laughter.
He threw his arms wide and his head back and laughed, filling the room with a sound that scarcely belonged there.
Then it stopped.
[Music: Trepidation]

His arms came down, and his head dropped to look straight ahead, at Junpei.
His face was flat and cold, devoid of any emotion.